Scale Coarseness Program

This program allows you to correct correlation coefficients for scale coarseness based on your observed correlation and number of scale points for each of the two variables and sample size.

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the observed correlation between X and Y, the number of scale points (i.e., anchors) for X and Y, and the sample size. The program caculates what the correlation would had been had you used a continous instead of a Likert-type scale. Also, the program allows you to change the number of scale points and anticipate how your correlation would change based on the degree of scale coarseness of your scales.

Source: Aguinis, H., Pierce, C. A., & Culpepper, S. A. (2009). Scale coarseness as a methodological artifact: Correcting correlation coefficients attenuated from using coarse scales. Organizational Research Methods , 12, 623-652. [copyright notice: You may download this article for one-time personal use only; please obtain publisher permission for any further distribution, publication, or commercial use.] [pdf]